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海外直订Code-Switching: A Case Study of Kurdish-German Pre-School Bilingual Children 语码转换:库尔德语-德语学龄前双


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Code-Switching: A Case Study of Kurdish-German Pre-School Bilingual Children

作者: Mohamed, Baban
出版社: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der W (2014年05月25日)
页数: 141页
语种: 英文
ISBN: 9783631646830
条形码: 9783631646830
商品重量: 480.00g
商品尺寸: 21.34cm * 14.73cm * 2.29cm

The state of acquiring more than one language as a child or an adult is not the exception; it is rather an everyday reality for a quite substantial part of today's society. This book explores the phenomenon of code-switching within the field of child bilingualism from both linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. Based on collected data from Kurdish-German pre-school bilingual children in Austria, this empirical study aims at giving an analysis of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that constrain child code-switching. The book shows specific interest in practices of code switching and mixing as displayed by Kurdish subjects of the study and in how far these can be sufficiently explained by existing models of (adult) bilingual language behavior. The results clearly show that code-switching can be related to the identity and characteristics of the speakers or to aspects of their social life, and that it can be subconsciously used to manage conflict when different languages are associated with different roles in a community.

Biographical Note
Baban Mohamed studied English Language and Literature at the University of Sulaimania (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) and English Studies (General/Applied Linguistics) at the University of Salzburg (Austria). His research interests are in the areas of bilingual acquisition, child code-switching and sociolinguistics.
Seller remarks are written by the seller itself and translated by third party translation service, Bhiner Taobao Agent is not responsible for any loss caused by mistranslated English content.
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