You can choose to pay with one of the various currencies we support by clicking the currency button at the top menu bar. Your default currency is set as last currency you selected at the top menu. Depending on your selected payment method, there may be some currencies that will not be available. 

Exchange rates and currency conversion 

We will display the prices on BHINER in the currency you select. If you choose to change the currency at any point while booking, we will display a new price in the new currency you select. 

Orders will be completed with the displayed price and currency as selected by you. 

If you choose to make or receive payments in a currency different from the designated currency of your payment method, your credit or bank card issuer may apply a currency conversion rate or fees to your payment. Please contact your provider to learn more about what fees may apply. BHINER is not responsible for these fees. 

Cross-border fees 

If you extra fees appear on your bank statement, or the amount charged differs from what appeared on the Airbnb checkout page, contact your credit or bank card issuer. If your bank considers BHINER's processing entity as international, you may be charged cross-border fees by your bank even if the charge was processed in the original currency of your payment method. If the fees were added by your card-issuing bank, BHINER can't refund them.